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What is an act of resistance in education in the united states? 

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Acts of resistance in education in the United States can take various forms, such as teachers engaging in subversive activities to challenge established practices . Additionally, teachers may demonstrate everyday resistance by creatively using their autonomy to address student needs despite organizational constraints . Education scholars can contribute to resistance by making their work public, thereby empowering communities to question policies and appreciate the complexities of educational issues . Education for resistance involves educating in reflexivity, astonishment, and perception of social transformations, aiming to overcome educational blindness and reorganize knowledge within a dialogic framework . These acts of resistance in education serve to challenge norms, expand roles, and ultimately contribute to personal, social, and civic development of students in the educational landscape.

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Act of resistance in US education includes writing critical articles, boycotting tests, attending meetings, organizing forums, and even suing the government over policies like NCLB.
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Acts of resistance in education can include teachers engaging in subversive activities to create "free spaces" for questioning and challenging established practices, as seen in the Discussion and Communication Program.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2018
3 Citations
An act of resistance in education in the United States is portrayed through a postmodernist theatre production challenging traditional cultural models of thinking and writing in higher education.

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