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What is  azimuthal vortex in glitch? 

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Azimuthal vortex in a glitch refers to the accumulation of vortices in a specific region of a neutron star, inducing large differential rotation and triggering mass unpinning events . This phenomenon occurs when angular momentum is transferred suddenly from the star's interior to the crust by the collective unpinning and repinning of superfluid vortices . The presence of a moat, which represents a radially dependent pinning profile in the neutron star crust, can lead to the accumulation of vortices and larger glitches . The behavior of vortices in a glitch is influenced by the pinning potential associated with nuclei in the crustal lattice, which varies as a function of radius .

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The paper does not specifically mention the term "azimuthal vortex." The paper discusses the collective unpinning and repinning of vortices in neutron star glitches, but does not provide a specific definition or explanation of an "azimuthal vortex."
The provided paper does not specifically mention the term "azimuthal vortex" in relation to glitches.
The provided paper does not mention the term "azimuthal vortex."

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