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What is chiral symmetry? 

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Chiral symmetry is a fundamental concept in quantum physics that is relevant to both condensed matter and particle physics. It refers to a symmetry between left-handed and right-handed particles, where the behavior of a system remains unchanged when left-handed particles are transformed into right-handed particles and vice versa. The overlap-Dirac operator is a method used to realize chiral fermions without explicitly calculating the low modes of the Wilson-Dirac operator . It involves introducing a projection operator and formulating the exact sign function and overlap-Dirac operator with a contour-integral form. This method is parallelizable and suitable for multi-core/multi-GPGPU systems . The quality of chiral symmetry achieved with this method is sufficient for double precision calculations .

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Chiral symmetry is not explicitly defined in the provided paper.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
04 Apr 2022
Chiral symmetry is a key concept in quantum physics that is used to investigate various fields, including condensed matter and particle physics.
Chiral symmetry is a non-invertible symmetry preserved by massless QED, and its associativity structure is explored in the paper.
Chiral symmetry is a key concept in quantum physics that is used to investigate various phenomena, from condensed matter to particle physics.

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