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What is Encryption describe in detail? 

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Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext into unintelligible ciphertext, ensuring data confidentiality and security . It involves using algorithms, keys, and certificates to obscure information, making it unreadable without specific knowledge or access . Encryption plays a crucial role in modern communication by safeguarding sensitive data during transmission and protecting it from unauthorized access . There are two main categories of cryptography: private-key (symmetric-key) and public-key (asymmetric-key) cryptography, each with its own set of encryption techniques like DES, AES, and RSA . Encryption not only ensures secrecy but also aids in authentication, digital signatures, and other security measures in various applications such as online banking, e-commerce, and secure messaging .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
B. U. Archana, V. Niranjana 
01 Feb 2023-2
Encryption is the process of converting plaintext into cipher text using algorithms and keys to ensure confidentiality. Decryption reverses this process to retrieve the original plaintext.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2023
1 Citations
Encryption is a fundamental aspect of cryptography that involves converting plaintext into ciphertext to secure data from unauthorized access, manipulation, impersonation, and forgery.
Book ChapterDOI
28 Nov 2022
Encryption is a security process using keys to obfuscate data, rendering it useless if accessed by unauthorized users without the keys. It adds security but may impact performance.
Encryption is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext to secure data transmission. It involves codes, ciphers, and encryption methods to protect information from unauthorized access.

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What is encryption?5 answersEncryption is the process of transforming plaintext or conventional information into an unintelligible form, known as ciphertext, using algorithms and keys. This transformation ensures that unauthorized users cannot access or understand the data unless they possess the specific key used for encryption. Cryptography, the science behind encryption, plays a crucial role in securing communication channels and data storage by encoding information in a non-comprehensible manner. Encryption not only provides message privacy and integrity but also helps maintain secrecy in sensitive communications, such as military and diplomatic exchanges. It is essential to implement encryption selectively based on security needs, as it can potentially impact performance when applied indiscriminately.
What is cryptosystems?5 answersA cryptosystem is a system that involves encryption and decryption of messages. It is used to keep information secure and provide confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation. Cryptosystems can be based on various encryption and decryption algorithms, such as the RSA algorithm. In modern times, cryptosystems are often mathematically complex and rely on functions that are difficult to break, even with massive computing power. A cryptosystem typically consists of a set of possible plaintexts, a set of possible ciphertexts, a keyspace, and encryption/decryption functions. The security of a cryptosystem is based on the secrecy of the keys used for encryption and decryption, as well as the key strength, which makes it difficult to perform brute force attacks. Cryptosystems play a crucial role in information security, protecting valuable information resources in various fields and applications.
What is Cryptography?3 answersCryptography is the practice of secure communication and the study of secure communication techniques. It involves encryption and decryption protocols to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and reliability of information during transmission or storage. There are two fundamental forms of cryptography: symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography. Asymmetric key cryptography is more secure but computationally complex. Cryptography uses mathematical formulas, including substitution and transposition techniques, to ensure data or information security. It has been used for thousands of years and continues to evolve with time. In the modern era, cryptography plays a crucial role in securing data and communication over networks, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
What is crime?3 answersCrime is a socially harmful act or omission that breaches the values protected by a state. It is an event prohibited by law and can result in prosecution and punishment. Criminality should not be confused with immorality, as not all immoral acts are criminal and not all criminal acts are immoral. Crime is strongly disapproved by society and includes acts such as murder, fraud, and rape. It requires both a criminal intention and a criminal act. The causes of crime can be social, economic, biological, or psychological. Crime is behavior prohibited by criminal law and can be punished by the criminal justice process. However, the meaning of crime is contested and can be viewed from different standpoints. Crime is a human behavior that has been studied by scholars from various disciplines. It is an independent concept with unique effects, features, and descriptions that distinguish it from similar acts. Criminologists examine the definition of crime, and while there is widespread agreement that it is a violation of criminal law, the question of what crime is remains relatively understudied.
What is crime?1 answersCrime is a socially harmful act or omission that breaches the values protected by a state. It is an event prohibited by law and can result in prosecution and punishment. Criminality should not be confused with immorality, as not all immoral acts are criminal and not all criminal acts are immoral. Crime is strongly disapproved by society and includes acts such as murder, fraud, and rape. It requires both a criminal intention and a criminal act, and is influenced by social, economic, biological, and psychological causes. Crime is a concept that has been studied by scholars from various disciplines throughout history. It is a well-known term in criminal law and should not be confused with similar concepts such as guilt, civil crime, and disciplinary transgression. Crime is a contested and divisive concept, with different perspectives on its definition. It is behavior prohibited by criminal law and can be punished by the criminal justice process. Crime encompasses a range of behaviors, but often the most visible and obvious crimes receive the most attention, while other widespread harms and injustices are overlooked.
What is crime?5 answersCrime is a socially harmful act or omission that breaches the values protected by a state. It is an event prohibited by law and can result in prosecution and punishment. Crime is strongly disapproved by society and includes acts such as murder, fraud, and rape. It requires both a criminal intention and a criminal act. Crime is a human behavior that has been studied by scholars from various disciplines throughout history. It is a well-known term in criminal law and should not be confused with similar concepts such as guilt or civil crime. Crime has unique effects, features, and descriptions that distinguish it from other acts. While murder, theft, and assault are commonly associated with crime, there are many other widespread harms and injustices that receive less attention. A crime is an action with grave social harmfulness and is tightly connected to a particular constitution of crime.

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