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What is extraterrestrial life? 

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Extraterrestrial life refers to the potential existence of life beyond Earth, a concept that has intrigued scientists, philosophers, and theologians for centuries. The search for extraterrestrial life challenges traditional cosmological models like the Cold Dark Matter Hierarchical Clustering model, suggesting that life elsewhere contradicts these theories. While historically, the idea of extraterrestrial beings was often used in literature and astronomical speculations, recent scientific developments are shifting the paradigm towards viewing life as a cosmic phenomenon rather than Earth-centered. The question of whether evolution follows similar courses on different inhabited planets is central to understanding the biology of extraterrestrial life, emphasizing the need to consider life beyond Earth without placing our planet at the center of the discussion.

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Extraterrestrial life refers to the theory that bacteria and viruses similar to those on Earth exist in comets, other planets, and throughout the galaxy, suggesting life as a cosmic phenomenon.
Extraterrestrial life is explored in recent biology as a thought experiment to understand evolution, challenging our understanding of life's origins and potential existence beyond Earth.
Extraterrestrial life refers to the potential existence of life beyond Earth, a topic explored through NASA's space programs and radio telescopes, yet conclusive evidence remains elusive in the universe.
Extraterrestrial life contradicts dark energy and Cold Dark Matter models, suggesting life exists beyond Earth, potentially seeded by exploding stars, challenging traditional cosmological beliefs.
Book ChapterDOI
17 Nov 2022
Extraterrestrial life refers to potential life forms beyond Earth. The paper discusses the nature of such life, questioning if evolution on other planets follows similar paths as on Earth.

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What evidence is there for or against the existence of extraterrestrial life?5 answersThere is ambiguous evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life. Claims of ancient microorganisms in the Martian meteorite ALH84001 have been made, but the evidence can be explained by nonliving chemical processes. The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, magnetite crystals, carbonate globules, and structures resembling nanobacteria can be compatible with living processes, but they can also be produced by minerals with biomimetic properties. Additionally, the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) Hierarchical Clustering (HC) model for cosmology, which includes dark energy, contradicts the possibility of cosmic scale extraterrestrial life. However, the HGD cosmology predicts the presence of Earth-mass gas planets in dense proto-globular-star-cluster clumps, which could support the existence of extraterrestrial life. Overall, the evidence for or against extraterrestrial life remains inconclusive.
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¿What is that Life?4 answersLife is a concept that has been explored from various perspectives. Schrodinger's book "What Is Life?" influenced the field of molecular biology and sparked debates among experts and admirers. The definition of life is complex, as it requires a recognizable difference between living and non-living structures. Recent empirical evidence suggests that life can be defined as a self-regulating process where matter undergoes cyclic, unidirectional conformation state changes that convert thermal agitation into directed motion. This definition applies universally across different biochemistries. The modeling of living systems is approached mathematically to describe their collective behaviors. The interdisciplinary nature of life is evident, with physicists and chemists contributing to the understanding of biological processes. Overall, life is a subject that continues to be explored and defined from various perspectives, highlighting its complexity and interdisciplinary nature.
What are the most compelling arguments for and against the existence of extraterrestrial life?5 answersThe existence of extraterrestrial life has been a long-standing question in human thought. Some argue that life and intelligence are common in the universe, while others believe it is rare and possibly unique. The Optimists argue that the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial life is due to an anthropocentric view of the universe. On the other hand, the Great Filter interpretation suggests that the probability of a planet developing intelligent life and a technological supercivilization is very small. Skeptics also argue that the transition between different realms of evolution, such as chemical to biological evolution, is highly improbable. These arguments are often used to support the idea of the uniqueness of our astronomical habitat and skepticism towards astrobiology and SETI studies.
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