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What is meant activity patterns? 

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Activity patterns refer to the routines and behaviors exhibited by individuals in various contexts, such as daily activities, user interactions with computing devices, and communication interfaces. These patterns can be determined through various methods like surveys, sensor data analysis, and probabilistic context-free grammars. They provide valuable insights into user intent, future actions, and even aid in understanding speech or semantic context. Activity patterns are crucial for tasks like exposure assessment in indoor air pollution studies, internal IT management, and designing information systems based on Activity Based Costing. By analyzing activity patterns, researchers can identify trends, preferences, and sequences in human behavior, which can help in decision-making processes and resource allocation.

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Journal ArticleDOI
Siyu Li, Der-Horng Lee 
01 Jan 2017-Transportation
19 Citations
Activity patterns refer to the sequences of daily activities individuals engage in, reflecting their preferences and lifestyles. They are modeled using probabilistic context-free grammars in this research.
Activity patterns refer to people's behaviors and time spent at different locations. Understanding these patterns is crucial for assessing indoor air pollution exposure when direct monitoring is not feasible.
Activity patterns refer to sequences of user actions detected through a communication interface, analyzed to identify specific conditions, stored in user profiles, and used to trigger predefined operations.
Activity patterns refer to user behaviors inferred from computing device signals. These patterns help predict user intent or future actions, aiding in speech recognition and semantic understanding.

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