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What is meant by a subscription period for an IPO? 

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The subscription period for an IPO refers to the timeframe during which investors can apply for shares in the IPO. It is the period in which investors can submit their applications and make upfront payments for the shares they wish to purchase. This period typically occurs before the IPO is listed on the stock exchange. During the subscription period, investors are required to pay a subscription cost upfront, which is locked up for a certain period without earning any interest. The length of the subscription period can impact investors' opportunity cost of funds and their interest in the IPO. Factors such as the offer price, issue size, and market conditions can also influence the level of oversubscription during this period.

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The paper does not provide a specific definition of a "subscription period" for an IPO.
The paper does not provide a specific definition or explanation of a subscription period for an IPO.
The paper does not provide a specific definition of a subscription period for an IPO.

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