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What is microprocessor? 

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A microprocessor is a single-chip integrated circuit that serves as the decision-making and data-manipulating component of a computer system. It is a compact and versatile device that can act as the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer or be used in various other devices such as automobile ignition systems, washing machines, and microwave ovens . The microprocessor contains registers, control circuitry, and data paths for interpreting and executing instructions. It is made up of a large-scale integrated (LSI) or very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuit fabricated on a small piece of silicon, about the size of a baby's fingernail . Over the years, microprocessors have become the dominant computing component, from the smallest consumer appliances to the largest supercomputers . They integrate the functions of a CPU onto a single chip, providing significant processing power in a compact space . Microprocessors have played a major role in modern society, particularly in embedded systems used for controlling and monitoring various equipment .

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Microprocessors are complex computing devices that have increased in power and complexity over time. They are used in various applications such as controlling and monitoring machines, cars, aircraft, and consumer electronics.
The microprocessor is a computer central processing unit integrated onto a single microchip, which has come to dominate computing across all scales.
A microprocessor is a central part of a modern personal computer that integrates the functions of a central processing unit onto a single integrated circuit.
Open access
01 Jan 2003
1 Citations
A microprocessor is a single-chip integrated circuit that contains a controller, registers, and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) to execute program instructions and perform calculations.
A microprocessor is a one or few-chip integrated circuit (IC) realization of a general-purpose CPU. It contains registers, control circuitry, and data paths for interpretation and execution of instructions.

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