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What is Noam Chomsky's definition of politics? 

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Noam Chomsky views politics as a realm where power dynamics, manipulation of public opinion, and the distribution of wealth and influence play crucial roles. Chomsky criticizes the US political system for using rhetoric to control public perception and maintain the status quo of power structures . He highlights the excessive reliance on ideology over natural sciences in politics and emphasizes the importance of freedom and access to information . Chomsky's work is renowned for its significant impact on linguistics and politics, with his analyses shedding light on global conflicts and exposing what he perceives as injustices perpetuated by powerful entities . In essence, Chomsky's definition of politics revolves around uncovering hidden power dynamics, advocating for transparency, and challenging established narratives.

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Noam Chomsky defines politics as a tool to reveal hidden truths in international conflicts, shedding light on political discourse and exposing atrocities often overlooked by the public.
Noam Chomsky's definition of politics is not explicitly provided in the abstract or title.
Noam Chomsky defines politics as excessively influenced by ideology, advocating freedom and the right to information, while highlighting the power and justice versus force and injustice dichotomy.
Open accessBook
01 Jan 2014
2 Citations
Chomsky's definition of politics is explored in the paper, focusing on basic themes and justification, linking language and politics within his broader contributions to language, mind, and politics.
Noam Chomsky views American politics as a tool of manipulation through rhetoric, concealing true power dynamics while portraying the government as serving the common people's interests.

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