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What is online data base? 

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An online database refers to a digital collection of organized data accessible via the internet, serving various purposes like research, education, and information dissemination. These databases have evolved significantly, playing a crucial role in data identification, creation, organization, dissemination, and archiving. Online databases are utilized for research purposes by scholars, with features like up-to-date information, advanced search methods, and influential data for academic pursuits. Additionally, online data integration involves consolidating data transmitted over networks with existing central data, requiring specific operations for efficient integration and optimization. Furthermore, online data management systems can parse and structure data from different software tools, creating interconnected data structures for project management.

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An online data management system parses tool data from various software tools, generates a hierarchical data structure, and identifies relationships between objects for project management.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2022
An online database is available for "The Maritime Transport of Sculptures in the Ancient Mediterranean" edited by Velentza, providing digital access to related information.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
28 Aug 2006
4 Citations
Online database integration is the continuous consolidation of data transmitted over networks with central site data, requiring efficient operations for integration and optimization of integration plans.
Book ChapterDOI
Asish Mohapatra, Philip Wexler 
01 Jan 2009
2 Citations
Online databases are pivotal in modern information processing, aiding in data identification, organization, and dissemination. They have evolved significantly due to the Internet's impact on science and technology.
Online databases are digital collections of information accessible via the internet. They are crucial tools for research, providing up-to-date and influential data for scholars, as shown in the study.

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