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What is operational transform transform property 2? 

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Operational Transform (OT) property 2, also known as TP2, is a critical aspect for ensuring convergence of shared object replicas in collaborative editing systems . TP2, along with TP1, is necessary and sufficient for achieving convergence. While some transformation functions satisfy TP1 for basic insert and delete operations, it has been shown that meeting both TP1 and TP2 simultaneously with simple operation signatures is unattainable . This challenge has led to the exploration of new transformation functions that may require additional parameters in the operation signatures to fulfill both TP1 and TP2 requirements . The quest for transformation functions that satisfy both properties remains a focal point in the research on operational transformation for collaborative editing systems.

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Operational Transform Property 2 (TP2) ensures convergence by requiring specific transformations, such as Ins(p2, c2), to be performed for the last operational transformation in certain scenarios.
Operational transform property 2 for two dimensional fractional Mellin transform is Parsval's Identity, as derived in the paper.
Operational transform property 2 for the generalized two-dimensional fractional cosine transform is discussed in the paper, extending the transform in a distributional sense.
Property 2 (TP2) in operational transformation ensures convergence of shared string replicas; however, achieving both TP1 and TP2 with basic insert and delete operations is proven impossible in the study.
Property 2 (TP2) in Operational Transformation ensures convergence of replicas. However, no transformation function has been found to satisfy both TP1 and TP2, as per the research.

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