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What is randomized response? 

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Randomized response is a method used in survey research to collect data on sensitive topics while ensuring respondent privacy and increasing the accuracy of responses. It involves introducing randomness into the questioning process to protect anonymity and encourage more honest answers. This technique has found applications in various fields such as behavioral science, epidemiology, and machine learning. Researchers have continuously worked on improving randomized response methods over the years, addressing issues like the curse of dimensionality when dealing with multiple attributes. Additionally, randomized response models have been combined with curtailed sampling designs to reduce sampling variance and resource requirements, making the approach more practical and efficient for prevalence estimation.

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Randomized Response is a method in clinical trials where patient allocation to treatments changes based on response data to achieve experimental goals, as discussed in the paper.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
01 May 2022
Randomized response (RR) is a local anonymization method where individuals provide randomized data to protect privacy while allowing accurate estimation of true data distributions for analysis.
Randomized response is an indirect questioning method used in survey research to collect data on sensitive topics, with various improvements and applications across different disciplines since Warner's pioneering work in 1965.
Randomized response is a local anonymization method where individuals provide randomized data to protect privacy when disclosing sensitive information, allowing accurate estimation of true data distributions.

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