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What is sloyd? 

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Sloyd, originating in Scandinavia in the late 19th century, is a pedagogical system that integrates craft education into general schooling. The term "Sloyd" signifies skillful handiwork and was designed to cultivate children's character, promoting moral behavior, intelligence, and industriousness. Leaders like Otto Salomon in Sweden and Aksel Mikkelsen in Denmark played pivotal roles in developing systematic Sloyd education, with variations in teaching methods between the two countries. Sloyd's influence extended beyond Scandinavia, reaching countries like the USA, the UK, and India, shaping early handicraft education and educational theories globally. Sloyd emphasizes the fusion of head and hands in learning, emphasizing practical skills alongside intellectual development.

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Sloyd is a pedagogical system using handicraft training for student development in general education. It was introduced in Denmark around 1880 and later in Iceland by Jon Thorarinsson in 1890.
Sloyd is an enhanced handicraft system integrating physical, mental, and affective attributes, known as 'kasityo' in Finland, 'slojd' in Sweden, and eventually sloyd in English.
Sloyd was a Swedish manual work program established in the late 19th century, influencing education globally between 1890 and 1930, with lasting worldwide effects beyond that period.
Sloyd is a pedagogical craft education system from Scandinavia in the late 19th century, focusing on developing character, intelligence, and industriousness through handicraft activities in general education.
Sloyd is a craft related to knowing, making traditions, and materiality. It involves craftsmanship skills and is open to interpretation by teachers in various ways.

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