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What is the activation function of LeNet algorithm where find input layer, hidden layer and output layer? 

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The LeNet algorithm utilizes the Mish activation function in its convolutional neural network, which is applied across the input layer, hidden layers, and output layer. Mish overcomes the limitations of traditional activation functions like Sigmoid and ReLU, providing improved performance. Activation functions play a crucial role in artificial neural networks, enabling non-linear mappings between inputs and outputs, aiding in learning complex relationships within the network. Different activation functions have varying impacts on neural network accuracy; for instance, PReLU achieved high accuracy in LeNet with the MNIST dataset, while ELU and Mish performed well with cifar-10 and ResNet50. The selection of an appropriate activation function is vital for enhancing learning rates and overall performance in neural networks.

Answers from top 5 papers

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Not addressed in the paper.
ReLU activation function is used in the Multi-Layer Neural Networks trained with Mixed Integer Linear Programs, not specifically LeNet algorithm. Input layer, hidden layers, and output layer are adjusted iteratively using MILPs.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
10 May 2020
459 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Wang Hao, Wang Yizhou, Lou Yaqin, Song Zhili 
01 Dec 2020
13 Citations
In LeNet algorithm, PReLU is the activation function with the highest accuracy at the input layer, hidden layer, and output layer achieving 98.724% accuracy on the MNIST dataset.
The LeNet-5 algorithm in the paper uses the Mish activation function in the input, hidden, and output layers, replacing traditional functions like Sigmoid and Relu.

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How does the choice of activation function in dense layers affect the performance of neural networks?4 answersThe choice of activation function in dense layers has a significant impact on the performance of neural networks. Different activation functions can affect the gradient flow, training speed, and representation power of the network. Saturating activation functions like sigmoids suffer from the vanishing gradient problem and are not suitable for deep neural networks. On the other hand, recent research has shown that oscillating activation functions in biological neurons can enable individual neurons to learn complex functions like XOR. Additionally, the use of combined parametric activation functions has been proposed to improve the performance of fully connected neural networks. It has also been observed that the default choice of ReLU as the activation function can lead to accuracy drop in sparse neural networks, and tuning activation functions can mitigate this issue.
What are some other activation functions that can be used in neural networks?5 answersThere are several activation functions that can be used in neural networks. Some of these include ReLU, Leaky ReLU, ELU, Swish, TanH, log sigmoid, and the proposed functions from the papers by Milosz, Бєлова, and Delgado and Ferreira. The paper by Milosz compares the effectiveness of ReLU, Leaky ReLU, ELU, and Swish functions in deep and complex architectures. The paper by Бєлова proposes six modified TanH functions that show better results than the commonly used TanH and log sigmoid functions. The paper by Delgado and Ferreira introduces the Global-Local Neuron, which combines a sine function and hyperbolic tangent function for improved performance in image compression problems. These papers provide insights into the performance and characteristics of different activation functions in neural networks.
What is an activation function in deep learning?5 answersAn activation function in deep learning is a mathematical function that introduces non-linearity into the neural network. It is used to determine the output of a neuron and plays a crucial role in the learning capability, stability, and computational efficiency of the model. Activation functions are employed in both the hidden layer and the output layer of the neural network. In recent years, various activation functions have been proposed and studied to improve the performance of deep learning models. Some well-known activation functions include Tanh, sigmoid, Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), and Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU). These functions have been compared and evaluated using different datasets and architectures to determine their effectiveness in object classification tasks and deep learning applications.
What is a relu activation function?4 answersThe Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is a non-linear activation function commonly used in neural networks. It improves the expressivity of the network and allows for the approximation of any continuous function with high precision. ReLU has two-segment linearity and is often used in convolutional neural networks. It has gained popularity in deep learning due to its good convergence properties and simplicity of derivative, which speeds up the training process. ReLU provides the necessary non-linear properties in deep neural networks and plays a crucial role in training and improving performance. It has also been implemented in all-optical systems, such as nanophotonic waveguides, to overcome nonlinearity limitations in photonic neural networks.
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