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What is the active bill of matter? 

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The active matter refers to systems where individual components utilize energy to generate motion and forces, leading to emergent large-scale structures with unique properties . These systems exist in nonequilibrium states and exhibit diverse phenomena due to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry by dissipative components . Active matter encompasses a wide range of scales, from subnuclear structures in cells to collective motion at a human scale, unifying understanding across biological and physical systems . Active matter research focuses on describing these systems using nonequilibrium thermodynamics frameworks that consider both self-propulsion mechanisms and external gradients, predicting phenomena like clustering instabilities and reciprocal effects on reaction rates within the system .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Pierre Gaspard, Raymond Kapral 
21 May 2020
7 Citations
Active matter consists of small Janus colloidal particles utilizing chemical energy for propulsion, leading to nonequilibrium states and dynamic cluster formation, as described in the paper.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Pierre Gaspard, Raymond Kapral 
10 Citations
Active matter refers to systems of active agents, like Janus colloidal particles, that utilize chemical energy for propulsion, leading to nonequilibrium states and dynamic clustering behaviors.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
24 Mar 2023
Active matter refers to systems with agents converting energy into directed motion, displaying unique phenomena at single and collective levels, distinct from passive counterparts, as discussed in the paper.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
11 Feb 2022-Physical Review X
37 Citations
Active matter refers to entities using energy for self-motion, organizing into diverse structures due to time-reversal symmetry breaking. It encompasses living and nonliving systems, exhibiting emergent properties.

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What about active matter?5 answersActive matter is a research field that has attracted scientists from various disciplines, including physics, engineering, biology, and the human sciences. It involves systems of agents that convert energy into directed motion, resulting in a variety of unusual phenomena at both the individual and collective level. Active matter can be found at different scales, from swimming microorganisms to crawling cells to synthetic active colloids. The study of active matter has led to advancements in understanding nonequilibrium thermodynamics and has applications in areas such as robotics, biology, and medicine. Researchers have conducted experiments with microscopic particles as well as macroscopic experiments using commercially available toy robots. Active matter systems can interact with passive objects in their environment, induce motion and rotation, and exhibit activity-induced attraction between planar objects. The study of active matter in space can provide insights into far-from-equilibrium physics and guide the development of active materials for space exploration and colonization.
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Ising model for active matter5 answersThe Ising model is used to study active matter and its phase transitions. The model describes a lattice of spins that can transition from an ordered to an unordered state with increasing temperature. Computer simulations of the Ising model are used to calculate expectation values of observables as a function of temperature. The Metropolis algorithm is employed to generate spin configurations and measure the desired observables. The Ising model provides a framework for understanding the mechanical and statistical properties of active matter, including biofilaments, molecular motors, and collections of motile microorganisms. It is a valuable tool for studying the behavior of active matter in various contexts, from cell biology to animal behavior.

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