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What is the best practice for help centres on mobile applications? 

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The best practice for help centers on mobile applications involves leveraging various strategies to enhance user experience and support. One key approach is to assess user expertise dynamically and tailor support accordingly, ensuring more experienced users receive streamlined assistance . Additionally, utilizing fog computing can offer an effective alternative for mobile application offloading and storage expansion, addressing issues like network latency and security risks associated with public clouds . Help center features can also proactively provide assistance related to specific components in a user's system, detect performance degradation, and offer solutions or targeted commerce opportunities, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement . By integrating these practices, help centers can optimize support delivery and user interactions in mobile applications.

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The paper discusses help center features like proactive assistance, component-specific help, performance alerts, and targeted commerce opportunities, which can enhance mobile application help centers.
Utilizing mobile community-driven help repositories to forward queries and send relevant resource notifications to users of software applications is a beneficial practice for mobile help centers.
James R. Moran, Benjamin D. Brown 
30 Apr 2002
36 Citations
Help centers on mobile applications should offer proactive assistance, targeted commerce opportunities, and condition-based alerts to enhance user experience and address performance issues effectively.
Help centers on mobile applications can enhance user support by dynamically adjusting interactions based on user expertise, improving efficiency and satisfaction in obtaining assistance.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
22 Jun 2015
112 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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