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What is the current trend in aromatherapy research? 

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The current trend in aromatherapy research encompasses various aspects such as the increasing demand for essential oils (EOs) for nutraceutical, food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic purposes, leading to the exploration of greener synthesis and extraction procedures using bioengineering techniques . Lavender, a highly valued essential-oil-bearing plant, is gaining economic importance with expanding knowledge on its characteristics and functional potential, paving the way for new products and applications . Molecular medical research is focusing on aromatherapy as an adjuvant therapy for managing psychiatric disorders, particularly stress, anxiety, and depression, by studying the therapeutic mechanisms of essential oils like lavender, lemon, and bergamot on mood regulation through neurotransmitter stimulation in the brain . These diverse research directions highlight the growing interest and potential of aromatherapy in various fields, from production techniques to therapeutic applications.

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Chi Wai Kan, C. W M Yuen, O. Y A Lai 
01 Apr 2005
7 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Aromatherapy research focuses on using essential oils like lavender and lemon to manage psychiatric disorders by modulating neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and dopamine, through olfactory system stimulation.
Current trend in aromatherapy research for Korean middle-aged women involves predominantly psychological variables like stress and depression, with lavender, bergamot, and geranium oils commonly used in massage and inhalation methods.

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