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What is the current understanding of the relationship between Kali, and dietary habits in patients on haemodialysis? 

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The relationship between potassium (Kali) levels and dietary habits in patients undergoing hemodialysis is crucial for their health. Studies have shown that dietary control plays a significant role in managing hyperphosphatemia and improving outcomes in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on hemodialysis . However, research indicates that patients often struggle to adhere to dietary guidelines, leading to inconsistencies with recommended intakes of nutrients like phosphate and potassium . While some studies suggest that dietary compliance may not be a strong predictor of survival in hemodialysis patients , repeated diet education programs have shown positive effects on fluid management and self-care adherence in this population . Therefore, enhancing dietary knowledge and promoting adherence to dietary restrictions are essential for optimizing outcomes in patients on hemodialysis.

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Patients on hemodialysis often have inconsistent dietary intake with guideline recommendations, especially for potassium (Kali) levels. Strategies to improve adherence and outcomes should be explored.
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