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What is the difference between telehealth telemedicine and e-health? 

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Telehealth, telemedicine, and e-health are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Telemedicine involves real-time communication between patients and healthcare providers, enabling remote medical practice . E-health encompasses the delivery of healthcare services through medical informatics and telecommunication, facilitating access to quality healthcare and bridging rural-urban health disparities . On the other hand, telehealth is a broader term that includes both telemedicine and e-health, referring to the use of technology to deliver healthcare services remotely, monitor patients, and provide health-related information . While telemedicine focuses on direct patient care, e-health emphasizes the exchange of health data and information, and telehealth serves as an umbrella term encompassing both concepts.

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Telehealth is a broader term encompassing remote healthcare services, including telemedicine which specifically refers to clinical services, while e-health is the use of digital resources for health information dissemination.
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22 Jun 2022
Telemedicine involves remote clinical services, e-health encompasses a broader scope of healthcare through electronic means, while telehealth is a more general term covering both telemedicine and e-health services.
Telemedicine involves remote medical practice, while telehealth encompasses a broader range of health services. E-health is a broader concept covering electronic health information and services.
Telemedicine involves remote diagnosis and treatment, while telehealth encompasses a broader range of health services. E-health is the overall use of electronic information to support healthcare delivery.
Telehealth, telemedicine, and e-health are often used interchangeably. Telemedicine is the most common term, followed by e-health and then telehealth, indicating a need for clearer definitions in healthcare services.

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What is telemedicine?5 answersTelemedicine is the use of telecommunication technology for medical diagnosis and patient care. It involves the transfer of medical information through phone, internet, and other networks for the purpose of consulting, remote medical procedures, or examinations. Telemedicine uses communication and information technologies to deliver clinical care, ranging from simple phone consultations to complex real-time consultations using satellite technology and video-conferencing equipment. It is a branch of e-health that aims to overcome issues like uneven distribution and shortage of healthcare resources by delivering healthcare services and medical education from one geographical location to another. Telemedicine has been used in various healthcare fields and has the potential to provide clinical assistance to patients in remote areas or rural areas far from clinical centers. It requires the use of electronic transfer of information and can utilize various telecommunication technologies for specific types of information transmission. The challenges for telemedicine in the twenty-first century include financing, safety standards, security, and infrastructure.

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