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What is the distribution of chemical elements in the universe? 

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The distribution of chemical elements in the universe is the result of complex evolutionary processes . The lightest elements, such as hydrogen, helium, and lithium, were formed in the first seconds after the birth of the universe . These elements were then used by the first stars to create heavier elements through nuclear fusion, enriching the universe . Subsequent generations of stars continued to synthesize heavy elements throughout their lives and during their deaths in supernova explosions . The recent discovery of the fusion of neutron stars also revealed the formation of superheavy elements up to gold and uranium . Spectroscopic observations of distant cosmological sources suggest that the chemical abundance of the universe remains approximately solar, even at high redshifts . Measurements of elemental abundances in stars provide valuable insights into nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution .

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The paper provides an overview of the distribution of elemental abundances in the low metallicity range, focusing on α-elements, iron-peak elements, and neutron-capture elements in metal-poor stars. However, it does not provide a comprehensive distribution of chemical elements in the universe.
The distribution of chemical elements in the universe is approximately 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, and only about 2% by mass of all the other elements.
Reference EntryDOI
13 Apr 2012
5 Citations
The relative abundances of the elements in the universe do not vary greatly from one region to another, except for Earth.
The paper discusses the production and abundance of elements in the Universe, including hydrogen, helium, lithium, and heavier elements synthesized by stars and supernovae. However, it does not provide a specific distribution of chemical elements in the Universe.

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