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What is the effectiveness of video-based tutorials in teaching bread and pastry baking skills? Preference? 

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The effectiveness of video-based tutorials in teaching bread and pastry baking skills has been widely studied in vocational education. Research has shown that competency-based video materials significantly improve students' performance in practical skills . Additionally, the use of animated videos for patisserie learning has been designed to enhance vocational education by providing clear explanations and steps for pastry and bakery practices . Furthermore, the development of video tutorial learning media for restaurant management courses has been found to be highly effective and feasible for enhancing the learning process in culinary arts education . Moreover, instructional video clips have been proven to be effective in training sweet bread production, leading to significant learning improvements among participants . Overall, the integration of video-based tutorials in teaching bakery and pastry skills has shown promising results in enhancing students' learning experiences and skill development.

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The study focuses on interactive learning content in bakery courses, emphasizing the need for interactive approaches beyond standard materials like texts, images, and videos, suggesting effectiveness in teaching bakery skills.
The instructional video clips were highly effective in enhancing sweet bread production skills, with a significant learning improvement of 32.5% and a posttest effectiveness score of 79, indicating an effective teaching method.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Yulia Rahmawati, Sudewi Yogha, A Maosul 
01 Jan 2021
1 Citations
Video-based tutorials, like the animated PowToon patisserie video, are effective in teaching pastry skills, offering flexibility and accessibility for students to learn and practice baking techniques.
The study shows competency-based video material significantly improves students' technical skills in cookery, suggesting effectiveness in enhancing bread and pastry baking skills.
Not addressed in the paper.

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