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What is the FPUT problem? 

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The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) problem refers to the equilibration of energy in a system. Most studies on the FPUT problem have focused on the equipartition of energy among the normal modes of the system . However, recent work has considered the problem in terms of local variables and spatially localized energy . The time scales for equipartition of space localized degrees of freedom are found to be significantly different from those observed for normal modes . Measuring thermalization in classical systems requires averaging over initial conditions or over time or spatial averaging . The equilibration time of the system, which quantifies its thermalization properties, can be related to chaos in the system . The FPUT problem has implications for the study of integrability and chaos in classical systems .

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Emil Laftchiev, Qing Yan, Daniel Nikovski 
10 Dec 2020
The provided paper does not mention the FPUT problem. The paper discusses the "missing input problem" in data collection and proposes solutions for improving the reliability of data collection in IoT systems.
The paper does not explicitly define the FPUT problem.
The provided paper does not mention the FPUT problem. The paper is about the use of Fermi problems in mathematics education research.
The paper does not explicitly define the FPUT problem.

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