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What is the history of the torsional oscillator? 

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The history of the torsional oscillator can be traced back to the invention of various types of torsional oscillators for different applications. One such application is in the field of oil and natural gas extraction and drilling tools, where a torsional pendulum oscillator is used to increase mechanical drilling speed . Another application is in the field of MEMS accelerometers, where a resonant mechanical structure, including a torsional oscillator, is used to measure acceleration . In the field of drilling tools for petroleum and natural gas exploitation, a torsional spring type hydraulic oscillator has been developed, which can be adjusted to different frequencies and has a long service life . Torsional oscillators have also been used in the study of polycrystalline helium and the supersolid state, where changes in the resonant period and dissipation peaks have been observed . Additionally, a rotating cryostat with a torsional oscillator has been designed for experiments on 3D superfluids and the supersolid state in solid helium .

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Papers (3)Insight
23 Dec 2015
1 Citations
The paper does not provide any information about the history of the torsional oscillator.
Ni Hongjian, Zhang Lei, Zhang Heng 
22 Dec 2017
3 Citations
The provided paper does not mention the history of the torsional oscillator.
The provided paper does not mention the history of the torsional oscillator.

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