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What is the huber/white/sandwich estimator advantageous for large sample survey? 

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The Huber-White sandwich estimator is advantageous for large sample surveys because it provides unbiased standard error estimates for regression coefficients even when the covariance structure is misspecified. It performs optimally in balanced designs with a large number of participants and few repeated measurements. However, its asymptotic properties do not hold in small sample settings, leading to biased downwards estimates of variances. To address this deficiency, modified forms of the sandwich estimator have been proposed, such as the one by Liang and Zeger . These modified estimators aim to correct the bias and improve the accuracy of standard error estimation in small sample and rare-event settings. The performance of these modified sandwich estimators has been compared to the traditional Liang-Zeger estimator and alternative forms proposed by other authors, such as Morel, Pan, and Mancl-DeRouen .

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The Huber-White sandwich estimator is advantageous for large sample surveys because it reaches the right level and avoids bias compared to the proposed variance estimator.
The provided paper does not mention the Huber/White/Sandwich estimator.
The paper does not mention the Huber/White/Sandwich estimator. The paper is about the modification of the sandwich estimator in generalized estimating equations with correlated binary outcomes in rare event and small sample settings.
The provided paper does not mention the Huber/White/sandwich estimator or its advantages for large sample surveys.

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