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What is the impact of using renewable energy sources on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions? 

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The utilization of renewable energy sources plays a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Research indicates that an increase in the proportion of renewable energy consumption can lead to a decrease in per capita carbon emissions up to a certain threshold of total natural resources rents, after which the reduction rate slows down . Furthermore, the study highlights that energy produced from renewable sources contributes to a reduction in CO2 emissions per capita in European countries, showcasing the positive impact of renewables on curbing greenhouse gas emissions . Additionally, the adoption of renewable energy sources has shown positive short-term and long-term economic effects, particularly in middle-income countries, emphasizing the importance of promoting energy production from renewables for a greener economy .

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Renewable energy sources lead to a decrease in CO2 emissions per capita, contributing significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as indicated in the research.
Increasing the use of renewable energy sources positively impacts reducing greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to sustainable development and economic growth, especially in middle income countries.
Renewable energy sources significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with a 16% drop achieved by installing 104.9 GW of RES, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals for net zero emissions.
Increasing renewable energy consumption can initially accelerate per capita carbon emission reduction until a threshold of natural resource rents is reached, after which the reduction rate slows down.
The utilization of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has led to a significant 16% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with the goal of achieving net zero emissions.

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