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What is the infrared frequency electromagnetic radiation? 

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Infrared frequency electromagnetic radiation refers to the range of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies between 20 and 14,500 cm^-1. This range falls within the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared radiation is absorbed by chemical compounds that undergo a change in dipole moment during molecular vibrations, rotations, or combinations of both. The absorption of infrared photons excites molecular vibrations and phonons, providing information about the composition, structure, and thermal properties of materials. Infrared spectroscopy is a valuable analytical technique for qualitative and quantitative analysis in various fields, including food applications. It allows for rapid and simultaneous measurement of multiple constituents in a sample without the need for sample manipulation. Infrared heating systems utilize the transfer of radiant energy to heat objects and can result in fuel cost savings and improved temperature distribution. Infrared radiation is also used in thermal imaging to observe temperature distributions on material surfaces.

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The paper provides information about the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, which covers wave numbers in the range of 13,000 to 10 cm-1.
The paper states that infrared (IR) radiation is defined as electromagnetic radiation with a frequency between 20 and 14,500 cm-1.
The paper does not provide information about the specific frequency of infrared electromagnetic radiation.

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