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What is the knowledge and attitude of Speech language therapists on inclusive education for children with ASD? 

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Speech-language therapists play a crucial role in inclusive education for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Research indicates that involving speech-language therapists in assessing the pragmatic level of communication in children with ASD is essential due to communication pragmatics being a frequently impaired area in this population. Additionally, speech therapists contribute significantly to early intervention in ASD by developing communication skills, which are vital for social and communication development in autistic children. However, studies highlight the importance of professionals, including speech therapists, having adequate knowledge and understanding of ASD to effectively support inclusive education. Therefore, continuous training and professional development are crucial for speech-language therapists to enhance their practice in inclusive education for children with ASD.

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Speech-language therapists possess expertise in assessing pragmatic communication in children with ASD, crucial for inclusive education. Their role is vital in enhancing social interaction and communication skills in these children.
Speech language therapists show varying knowledge and attitudes towards inclusive education for children with ASD, influenced by age, qualifications, and lack of leadership in promoting inclusive practices.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
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