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What is the meaning of online games? 

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Online games refer to digital entertainment activities played over the internet, encompassing a wide range of genres and platforms. These games have become a significant part of modern entertainment, attracting users across different age groups. While online games offer interactive and engaging experiences, they also pose risks such as addiction and negative impacts on individuals, especially teenagers. The development of online games has revolutionized the entertainment industry, providing a diverse array of options for users to engage with digitally. Despite their popularity, it is crucial for individuals to manage their time spent on online games to prevent adverse effects on daily routines and responsibilities.

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Online games are internet-based games. They can have negative impacts on youth, such as addiction, procrastination of prayers, laziness, time wastage, impolite language, and health issues.
Online games are digital entertainment products accessed via the internet, offering various genres like MMORPGs. They can lead to addiction and impact users negatively, affecting physical and mental health.
Online games are digital entertainment products accessed via the internet, offering various genres like MMORPG, FPS, and RTS, providing interactive entertainment but also posing addiction risks.
Book ChapterDOI
05 Aug 2022
Online games are a form of digital consumption that shape gamer subject formation and consumer culture, offering a multidimensional experience blending individual play and communal cultural interactions.

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Impact of online gaming?4 answersOnline gaming has both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, online gaming offers entertainment, earning potential, and opportunities for creative thinking and entrepreneurship. It can also enhance cognitive development, memory, problem-solving skills, and hand-eye coordination. Additionally, online games can teach teamwork and social skills. However, there are also concerns associated with online gaming. These include economic risks, online bullying, health issues (such as eye problems), addiction, and negative effects on social development and academic performance. It is important for individuals to practice responsible gaming habits and prioritize well-being to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of online gaming.
What is online community?3 answersOnline communities are virtual spaces where individuals with common interests can communicate and share information. These communities can be formed around various topics, such as health issues, political communication, or business interests. Members of online communities can provide and receive social support, exchange knowledge, and engage in discussions. Online communities can serve as platforms for patients with cancer and caregivers to find information and support. They can also be valuable resources for businesses, offering opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the creation of new products. Defining online community is a complex task, but it generally involves elements such as connection, interaction, reciprocity, and commitment. Overall, online communities play a significant role in facilitating communication, support, and collaboration among individuals with shared interests or goals.
What is the theory of the effects of online games?3 answersOnline games have various effects on players. One theory suggests that immersion, progression, and socialization in online games significantly impact cognitive behavior through the emotions of achievement. Online games are seen as a form of digital consumption that shapes the gamer's subject position and contributes to consumer culture. However, excessive online gaming can lead to addiction, which negatively affects learning motivation and achievement. The effects of online gaming go beyond cognitive behavior and can include unintended consequences such as aggression, civic and political engagement, and effects related to health, gender, identity, and sexuality. Excessive online gaming can also result in addiction, leading to negative effects such as aggression behavior, decreased cognitive abilities, and lack of self-regulation.
What is the meaning of online games importance?4 answersOnline games are popular among children and have become a significant social phenomenon in modern society. They are played over the internet or computer networks and have changed the way children play, shifting from simple tools to electronic media. Online games have recreational, competitive, educational, and social interaction values. They provide entertainment and promote learning through interactive and engaging experiences. The development of online games involves various disciplines such as technology, entertainment, and behavior sciences. Research in this field focuses on network infrastructure, game platform architecture, game applications, player study, ICT mediated social activities, social capital, and game business models. Online games have a significant impact on children's lives and offer opportunities for learning and development.
What is the meaning of online games difinition?3 answersOnline games are computer games that are played over the internet or other computer networks. They are popular among children and have changed the way they play, shifting from simple tools to using devices like PCs and smartphones. Online games can be played simultaneously by multiple players connected to a specific network. They are regulated by End User License Agreements (EULAs), which outline the consequences for violating the agreement. Online games have recreational, competitive, educational, and social interaction aspects. They can be modeled as noncooperative games, where independent agents serve requests in a common environment and seek to minimize their own costs. Algorithmic game theory (AGT) focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms for interacting agents in games, including online games. Online gaming is an everyday activity for most youth, and it has both positive opportunities and potential problematic experiences.
What is online gaming addiction? 2018-2023?2 answersOnline gaming addiction refers to a persistent and recurrent use of the internet to engage in games, leading to significant impairment or distress in a person's life. The condition is characterized by preoccupation with playing online video games and an inability to regulate this behavior, resulting in adverse physical and psychological consequences. The prevalence of online gaming addiction has increased with recent advances in technology and higher penetration of the internet into routine life, particularly among male children and adolescents in East Asian countries. Online gaming addiction can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health, including problems such as headache, eye problems, eating problems, and lack of sleep. Research has been conducted using machine learning classification algorithms to investigate online gaming addiction, with high accuracy in predicting addiction levels. The relationship between online gaming addiction and behavior change has been observed among adolescents, suggesting the need for further research and evidence-based treatments.

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