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What is the most cost effective way to use CBD? 

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The results show that the one-way street organization plan inside CBD area performs the best.
We found that most of the evidence for beneficial effects is derived from studies of pure, pharmaceutical grade CBD at relatively high doses.

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Reassigning travel time savings under demanding income and time constraints: Work or leisure?
5 answers
Reassigning travel time savings under demanding income and time constraints involves a complex interplay between work and leisure considerations. Studies highlight the importance of understanding the components of the value of travel time savings (VTTS) to make informed decisions regarding transport investments. Research indicates that the willingness to pay to reduce travel time consists of the value of liberating time (VoL) and the value of time assigned to travel (VTAT). Additionally, the mixed logit model reveals that people generally prioritize minimizing commute time over work time, with variations based on factors like commute mode and individual characteristics. Moreover, the valuation of business travel time savings is evolving, considering factors like productivity foregone corrections and the increasing trend of working while traveling. Reevaluating VTTS for non-work trips using advanced models like mixed multinomial logit can lead to updated appraisal values, emphasizing the significance of including travel benefits due to small time savings in transport appraisal frameworks.
What are the factors of commuting?
5 answers
Commuting is influenced by various factors such as personal attributes, household characteristics, regional features, job accessibility, wage differentials, housing markets, travel time, and transportation infrastructure. Factors like age, gender, marriage, cost of travel mode, transfer times, distance to public transport stations, number of bicycles in the family, and commute distance play significant roles in commute mode choice. Additionally, the permanent population, residential distribution, medical facilities, recreational facilities, food services, workplace distribution, and house prices impact the size of the commuting population. The presence of spatial interactions among regions, regional specialization in the knowledge sector, transportation system density, housing costs, and job opportunities also affect commuting dynamics.
Is the functional mobility measured using objective tests lower in PwH compared to helthy controls? haemophilia?
5 answers
Functional mobility measured using objective tests is indeed lower in patients with haemophilia (PwH) compared to healthy controls. Research by Putz et al. found that moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was significantly lower in adult PwH than in healthy controls, potentially leading to increased body fat and decreased muscle mass. Additionally, a study by Kwasnicki et al. demonstrated the development and validation of the Hamlyn Mobility Score (HMS), a robust tool using wearable motion sensors to assess mobility. The HMS showed significant differences in mobility between healthy subjects and patients, indicating lower functional mobility in the patient group. Therefore, objective assessments highlight the reduced functional mobility in PwH compared to healthy individuals, emphasizing the importance of tailored interventions to improve physical activity levels and overall mobility in patients with haemophilia.
What limitations do teralytics data have for mobility research in Germany?
5 answers
Teralytics data limitations for mobility research in Germany include the challenge of characterizing factors like transportation mode on mobility patterns due to reliance on aggregated data alone. Additionally, the data may not fully capture the impact of categories on trip length distributions, especially when subdivided by different factors such as day-of-week and time-of-day. Furthermore, Teralytics data may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the travel behavior of elderly individuals with mobility impairments, which is crucial for spatial and transport planning considerations in Germany. These limitations highlight the need for more detailed and category-rich mobility datasets to enhance the accuracy and depth of mobility research in the country.
How does gasoline inflation affects drivers?
4 answers
Gasoline inflation can have varying effects on drivers based on the vehicle type. Studies show that while increasing gasoline prices do not significantly impact the total number of fatal crashes, they are associated with a 24.4% increase in fatal motorcycle crashes, a 1.9% decrease in non-motorcycle crashes, and an 8% decrease in pedestrian crashes. Additionally, rising gasoline prices lead to adjustments in driving behavior, vehicle choices, and transit ridership, impacting market shares and fuel economy. The availability of need-based financial aid in the face of college price inflation highlights how different individuals are affected by rising costs, potentially burdening those with fewer financial resources more. These findings underscore the complex interplay between gasoline inflation, driving patterns, and economic disparities among drivers.
How does malioboro become tourist attraction?
5 answers
Malioboro has become a tourist attraction due to various factors. The increasing number of tourists visiting Malioboro has led to traffic issues, prompting the city government to consider pedestrianization to improve traffic management. Additionally, the development of tourist infrastructure, such as road access and transportation facilities like the Trans Jogja bus, has facilitated travel for both local and foreign tourists. Furthermore, the Festival in the Desert held outside Timbuktu has also contributed to the attraction, showcasing how different imaginaries and global discourses are mobilized and marketed to bring development to economically disadvantaged communities in Africa, including Mali. These combined efforts have enhanced Malioboro's appeal as a destination, drawing in visitors and creating a vibrant tourist hub.
What is the effect of immigration on congestion?
5 answers
Immigration has a significant impact on congestion in host countries. Studies show that migrants tend to concentrate in metropolitan areas with extensive public transit, utilizing non-automobile modes of travel. This influx of migrants contributes to increased travel across all transportation modes, growth in transit commuters, and a shift in the demographic composition of transit riders, ultimately affecting congestion levels. Additionally, the presence of migrants can lead to increased congestion of public services, especially if they are unskilled and pay low taxes, potentially decreasing the welfare of domestic residents. Implementing measures like visa auctions or limiting migrants' access to public services can help manage congestion effectively.
What are the uses of mobility stations?
5 answers
Mobility stations serve as crucial hubs integrating various transportation modes to promote multimodal and intermodal travel. These stations enhance urban mobility by connecting public transport with shared mobility services like carsharing and bikesharing, reducing car dependency, congestion, and emissions. They facilitate flexible and sustainable travel options, encouraging users to shift from private car ownership to shared mobility services. Mobility stations also contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and alleviating parking pressure in urban areas. Additionally, they provide a platform for users to access different transportation modes conveniently, promoting a user-centric approach to mobility planning and design. Overall, mobility stations play a vital role in shaping future urban transportation systems towards a more efficient, environmentally friendly, and user-oriented model.
What are the practices in mobility stations?
5 answers
Practices in mobility stations encompass various activities and services aimed at promoting sustainable urban mobility. These practices include assessing modal shares of access travel to railway stations, considering transport and urban profiles to enhance accessibility. Additionally, mobility stations integrate public transport with shared mobility services like carsharing and bikesharing to reduce car dependency and emissions. Furthermore, the concept of boundary zones as meeting places highlights the changing boundaries and meanings in everyday life, emphasizing crossing, immobility, strategy, and tactics in mobility. Overall, practices in mobility stations focus on improving accessibility, promoting shared mobility services, reducing car ownership, and enhancing the overall travel behavior towards sustainable urban mobility.
What are the states that currently have V2X infrastructure installed and running?
5 answers
Currently, the implementation of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) infrastructure is gaining momentum globally. Various countries are actively working on deploying V2X technologies to enhance transportation systems and reduce environmental impact. Research and development efforts in Japan focus on utilizing V2X systems, bidirectional chargers, and Virtual Power Plants to address energy crises induced by global warming. In Europe, projects like MAVEN are designing V2X solutions to guide Cooperative Automated Vehicles (CAVs) at intersections and ensure interoperability with existing infrastructure. Moreover, the United States is also progressing in this field, with State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) exploring V2X deployments and testing commercial V2X roadside equipment for future implementations. These initiatives reflect a global trend towards integrating V2X technologies into smart city frameworks for more efficient and sustainable transportation systems.
What are the main limitations of Prospect Theory in application?
5 answers
The main limitations of Prospect Theory in application include challenges in intertemporal contexts, uncertainty in decision-making, and the need to consider individual characteristics. Prospect Theory faces difficulties in applying probabilities within time periods and determining the appropriate parametric specifications for probability-weighting and value functions. Moreover, human subjectivity and bounded rationality in decision-making processes pose obstacles to accurately modeling and forecasting economic decisions in fields like the power system. Additionally, the framework of Prospect Theory may have limitations when applied to specific scenarios like crime and punishment, as highlighted in discussions on tax evasion and the Becker proposition. These limitations underscore the complexity and challenges in applying Prospect Theory across various decision-making contexts.