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What is the most widely used creativity technique? 

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The most widely used creativity technique is Brainstorming, as indicated by studies conducted with students and industry practitioners . Brainstorming is recognized for generating a significant number of ideas, although it may not always lead to innovation in all cases . Additionally, Brainwriting, Brainstorming, and Synectics are among the most prevalent creativity techniques identified in scientific literature . Despite the existence of over a hundred creativity techniques, Brainstorming remains popular in business practice, along with brainwriting and TRIZ . The systematic review of empirical research on creativity techniques highlights the significance of Brainstorming and its various forms in idea generation processes . Therefore, Brainstorming emerges as the most widely utilized creativity technique across different studies and scientific publications.

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The most widely used creativity technique identified in the research is Brainwriting, followed by Brainstorming and Synectics, based on the prevalence of citations in the analyzed works.
The paper does not specifically mention the most widely used creativity technique.
Brainstorming is the most widely used creativity technique for generating ideas in creativity workshops, followed by Hall of Fame for producing the most creative requirements.
The most widely used creativity techniques in business practice are brainstorming, brainwriting, and TRIZ, as highlighted in the empirical literature review.

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