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What is the purpose of test specification? 

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The purpose of test specification is to provide a detailed description or blueprint of the test that needs to be constructed. Test developers face numerous decisions during the test development process, and documenting these decisions from the beginning is crucial. Test specifications serve as a guide throughout the task development process, allowing for review and ensuring that all details are carefully considered before test development begins . Test specifications help in generating reliable tests by reducing test leakage and facilitating the testing of system operations. They include information on state transitions, event rows, and agitation patterns, which are essential for creating effective test specifications . Test-based specifications, unlike traditional software specifications, are derived from empirical approximations of what a program actually does. They enable decidable and automatic analysis, making them valuable for component-based software development and testing . Test specifications can also be prepared using computer programs that calculate differences between test cases and extract representative cases, resulting in test specifications with suppressed legibility deterioration .

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The purpose of the test specification is to prepare a document that describes the differences between test cases and identifies representative test cases.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
11 Oct 2007
3 Citations
The purpose of test specification is to provide an empirical approximation of what a program actually does, rather than stating what it should do.
The purpose of test specification is to investigate the features of test development process from different components.
The purpose of test specifications is to provide a detailed description or blueprint of the test that needs to be developed.
The purpose of the test specification is to facilitate the generation of test specifications for testing the operations of a system to be tested and enhance the reliability of the test by reducing test leakage.

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What should test specifications look like?3 answersTest specifications should be a detailed description or blueprint of the test being constructed. They should document the decisions made throughout the test development process and be reviewed regularly. The purpose of test specifications is to ensure that all the necessary details are carefully thought through before test development begins. Test-based specifications are different from traditional software specifications as they are derived from empirical approximations of what a program actually does, rather than a priori statements of what it should do. Test-based analysis using these specifications is decidable and automatic, making it a valuable tool in program analysis. In the context of highly automated driving functions, test specifications can be formulated as a catalogue of logical scenarios with pass/fail criteria based on criticality levels. Test specifications can also be generated autonomously by capturing test data and using it to build a test specification for subsequent testing.
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