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What is the relationship between knowledge sharing, knowledge-oriented leadership, organizational learning, and sustainable competitive advantage? 

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Knowledge sharing plays a crucial role in enhancing organizational performance and sustainability. Knowledge-oriented leadership influences organizational performance indirectly through knowledge sharing quality and service innovation. Additionally, self-sacrificial leadership positively affects knowledge sharing, with role model influence mediating this relationship. Knowledge-oriented leadership directly impacts sustainable competitive advantage, while human resource development indirectly affects it through organizational innovation factors. Furthermore, intellectual capital, including human, relational, and structural capital, positively relates to sustainable competitive advantage, which in turn enhances organizational performance. Therefore, fostering knowledge sharing, knowledge-oriented leadership, and intellectual capital can lead to organizational learning, ultimately contributing to sustainable competitive advantage and improved performance.

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Knowledge-oriented leadership positively influences sustainable competitive advantage directly, while human resource development impacts it indirectly through organizational innovation's component factors in Thailand's New S-Curve industries.
Knowledge sharing, knowledge-oriented leadership, and organizational learning enhance sustainable competitive advantage by fostering innovation, cross-departmental connections, and a culture of cooperation, as outlined in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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