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What is the relationship between self-determination and participation in extra-curricular activities among students? 

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Self-determination plays a crucial role in students' participation in extracurricular activities. Research indicates that self-determination theory (STD) is linked to students' engagement in such activities, with a focus on fulfilling basic psychological needs and various motivational regulation styles . International students recognize the significance of extracurricular activities in meeting their needs and enhancing engagement, suggesting the need for tailored programs to boost involvement . Moreover, extracurricular education institutions provide a platform for adolescents to develop social self-determination, shaping their worldview, beliefs, and choices, ultimately fostering individuality and self-realization . Overall, fostering self-determination through fulfilling psychological needs and promoting autonomous motivation can positively impact students' engagement in extracurricular activities, enhancing their overall educational experience.

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The research paper focuses on the relationship between self-determination and academic motivation among high-school students, not specifically on participation in extra-curricular activities.
Not addressed in the paper.
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) shows that students with higher external motivation are more likely to participate in extra-curricular activities, such as solo performances in music education.
Participation in extracurricular activities enhances social self-determination in adolescents by fostering individuality, practical application of knowledge, and decision-making skills, leading to future life path choices.
Participation in extracurricular activities satisfies student needs, enhancing engagement based on Self-determination theory. International students benefit from regular extracurricular programs for increased engagement.

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What is the relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and academic performance?4 answersParticipation in extracurricular activities has been found to have a relationship with academic performance. Several studies have shown a positive correlation between co-curricular activities and academic performance. For example, one study conducted in Bangladesh found a positive correlation between co-curricular activities and academic performance using logistic regression. Another study conducted with primary school students found significant positive relationships between the number of extracurricular activities and academic performance in Language Arts. However, the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance may vary depending on factors such as gender, type of school, and sociocultural context. It is important to note that not all studies found a direct association between extracurricular activities and academic performance. Overall, while there is evidence of a relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and academic performance, the specific nature of this relationship may depend on various factors.