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What is the relationship between social anxiety and life satisfaction among females s? 

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Social anxiety has a significant negative correlation with life satisfaction among females. Research conducted on female employees in a medical college found that occupation was significantly associated with life satisfaction, indicating a potential link between work-related stress and well-being . Additionally, a study on pregnant women revealed that anxiety symptoms were negatively related to life satisfaction, while perceived social support played a mediating role, suggesting that higher social support levels were linked to greater life satisfaction . Furthermore, research on adolescents showed that social anxiety had a significant negative impact on life satisfaction, emphasizing the detrimental effects of social anxiety on overall well-being . These findings collectively highlight the importance of addressing social anxiety to enhance life satisfaction among females across different life stages.

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The study found a significant negative correlation between social anxiety and life satisfaction among females in Karachi, impacting various life domains and daily activities.
Social physique anxiety moderates the relationship between physical activity and life satisfaction in female adolescents. Low anxiety levels enhance the positive effect of physical activity on life satisfaction in girls.
Perceived social support mediates the relationship between anxiety symptoms and life satisfaction in pregnant women, indicating a positive association between social support and life satisfaction despite anxiety symptoms.
Satisfaction with life among female employees is significantly associated with their occupation, as per the study conducted in Aligarh. Social anxiety's direct relationship with life satisfaction is not specified.

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