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What is the relationship between students life satisfaction in general academic efficacy among SHS students? 

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The relationship between students' life satisfaction and general academic efficacy among secondary school students is significant. Studies show that life satisfaction positively influences academic self-efficacy , indicating that happier students tend to have higher confidence in their academic abilities. Additionally, academic self-efficacy plays a mediating role between life satisfaction and organizational identification, further emphasizing its importance in academic settings . Furthermore, students' interest in music classes has been linked to their academic self-efficacy and school life satisfaction, highlighting the interconnectedness of these variables in shaping students' overall well-being and academic performance . Overall, a positive correlation exists between life satisfaction and academic self-efficacy, underscoring the importance of promoting student happiness for academic success.

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Life satisfaction among middle school students is strongly related to perceived meaning in life, self-efficacy, and peer well-being, with limited evidence of a negative relationship between academic performance and life satisfaction.
Life satisfaction positively influences academic self-efficacy among college students, leading to stronger organizational identification. This relationship was confirmed through a structural equation model in the study.
High school students' life satisfaction is positively correlated with academic self-efficacy, indicating a relationship between overall satisfaction with school life and belief in academic abilities.
Students' life satisfaction and academic efficacy mediate the relationship between school adjustment and academic achievement among middle school students, highlighting the importance of these factors in enhancing academic success.
The study found a positive significant relationship between life satisfaction, academic self-efficacy, and general self-efficacy among high school students, indicating that these factors predict happy schools.

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Why is life satisfaction an important factor to study in student populations?5 answersLife satisfaction is an important factor to study in student populations because it is associated with mental health risk, perceptions of school functioning, academic self-efficacy, organizational identification, learning state, human values, psychological well-being, stress, assertiveness, empathy, and academic achievement. It has been found that overall life satisfaction mediates the relationship between mental health risks and perceptions of academic and social functioning in students. Additionally, life satisfaction has direct significant effects on academic self-efficacy and organizational identification, and it indirectly affects organizational identification through academic self-efficacy. Furthermore, life satisfaction influences college students' learning state and human values, and a reasonable evaluation of life satisfaction can help improve work efficiency. Lower levels of life satisfaction have been related to high levels of anxiety, and the constructs of assertiveness and empathy are also related to life satisfaction. Moreover, academic achievement is predicted to contribute significantly to high levels of life satisfaction in high-achieving students.

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