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What is the role of associations in the social economy? 

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Associations play a crucial role in the social economy by contributing to social cohesion, supporting the social integration of vulnerable groups, and fighting against social exclusion . They provide goods and services that benefit their members individually and collectively, such as information about market conditions, assistance with new technologies, and reducing resource constraints . Associations also work to influence government regulations to assist their members . The formation of social capital through associations is influenced by factors such as the government's influenceability, regulatory policy, and the mix of goods provided by the association . The associational model, which emphasizes high capabilities in social interaction and communication, is seen as a third way between state planning and market-driven approaches to economic development . Associations are unique organizations that operate in market, non-market, and non-monetary economies, making them valuable contributors to economic sociology .

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Open accessPosted Content
Kevin Morgan, Philip Cooke 
1.1K Citations
The paper discusses the associational model, which emphasizes the importance of social interaction and communication in the success of firms. It suggests that associations, characterized by high trust, learning capacity, and networking competence, play a crucial role in the social economy.
The paper discusses the role of associations in the social economy by highlighting their diverse social practices and their unique position in both market and non-market economies.
Open accessPosted Content
Sorin Cace, Stanescu Simona 
11 Citations
The paper does not specifically mention the role of associations in the social economy.
The paper does not provide information about the specific role of associations in the social economy.
The paper does not explicitly mention the role of associations in the social economy.

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