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What is the similarities between internalism and externalism? 

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Internalism and externalism in philosophy share similarities despite their apparent differences. Internalism focuses on justifications originating from the agent's cognitive perspective, while externalism allows for some justifications to come from outside this perspective . Radical internalism emphasizes critical scrutiny of beliefs, which resonates with the internalists' aversion to epistemic hubris . On the other hand, externalism often involves considering factors beyond the agent's cognitive perspective . Interestingly, radical externalism, like factivism, shares common ground with radical internalism, showcasing that seemingly opposing philosophical positions can have similarities . This highlights that while internalism and externalism may diverge in their core commitments, they can also overlap in certain aspects, demonstrating the complexity and nuances within philosophical debates.

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Internalism and externalism, such as Smithies' radical internalism and McDowell's factivism, share common ground in consciousness and rationality, despite differing on specific points like justifying roles.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2023
Both internalism and externalism are prominent views in philosophy, with externalism slightly more prevalent. They are central to debates in epistemology and the philosophy of language.
Journal ArticleDOI
1 Citations
Both internalism and externalism address epistemic justification, but the paper argues for radical internalism due to its alignment with a worldview of epistemic oppression.
Internalism and externalism differ in how they view responsibility and obligation. Internalism focuses on the agent, while externalism considers external factors like beliefs influencing responsibility and obligation.
Similarities between internalism and externalism lie in their focus on providing justification for beliefs. Internalism aligns justification with individual perspectives, while externalism allows for justification factors beyond the agent's cognitive perspective.

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