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What is the syllabus of linear algebra? 

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The syllabus of linear algebra includes topics such as algebraic preliminaries, vector spaces and linear maps, matrices and determinants, rings and polynomials, inner product spaces, and normed algebras . It also covers linear transformations, row-reduction, linear equations, subspaces, linear dependence, bases, and dimension . Additionally, the syllabus includes composition of maps, matrix inverse, coordinate vectors, basis change, determinants, lambda-matrices, matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonal bases and orthogonal matrices, symmetric and normal matrix eigenvalues, singular values, and basic numerical linear algebra techniques . The syllabus may also incorporate the use of MATLAB-based applications to enhance the theoretical understanding of linear algebra .

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Open accessBook
01 Jan 2002
7 Citations
The syllabus of linear algebra is not explicitly mentioned in the paper. The paper provides a detailed outline of the topics covered in a linear algebra course, including linear transformations, row-reduction, linear equations, subspaces, linear dependence, bases, dimension, composition of maps, matrix inverse, determinants, matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonal bases and matrices, symmetric and normal matrix eigenvalues, singular values, and basic numerical linear algebra techniques.
Open accessBook
08 Sep 2011
20 Citations
The provided paper does not explicitly mention the syllabus of linear algebra.
The paper does not provide information about the syllabus of linear algebra.
Open accessBook
Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler 
01 Jan 1987
2 Citations
The syllabus of linear algebra follows Tucker's book "A Unified Introduction to Linear Algebra."
Open accessBook
01 Jan 1994
5 Citations
The provided paper does not mention the syllabus of linear algebra. The paper is an instruction manual for the linear algebra portion of the course on Mathematical Methods.

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