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What is the syntax of negative polarity items in the kurdish language? 

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Negative Polarity Items (NPIs) in Kurdish, similar to other languages, are words or expressions that grammatically appear in negative clauses and specific contexts but not in affirmative sentences. The syntax of NPIs in Kurdish likely involves restrictions within negative environments, indicating nuances of specificity and quantification. Studies on NPIs in various languages, such as Hebrew and Turkish, highlight the importance of syntactic constructions and negative polarity licensing . NPIs in Kurdish may exhibit similar characteristics, requiring specific negative contexts for their occurrence. Further research on NPIs in Kurdish is essential to understand their syntax, semantics, and pragmatic functions within the language. By analyzing NPIs in Kurdish, scholars can uncover how these items interact with negation and contribute to the overall syntax of the language.

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Xiangyan Wu, Lei Wang 
01 Dec 2018
5 Citations
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