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What is the time complexity of adding an edge to doubly connected edge list ? 

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The time complexity of adding an edge to a doubly connected edge list can vary based on the specific problem being addressed. In the context of graph theory, the addition of an edge to a graph can impact various algorithms and problems. For instance, in the study of the minimum completion problem for a $P_4$-sparse graph with an added edge, a polynomial-time algorithm is presented, indicating efficient processing . Additionally, the conversion of edge lists to adjacency lists in large-scale graphs using distributed-memory parallel algorithms showcases efficient processing, with a time complexity of O(m/p + n + P) and optimal space complexity of O(m/p) for handling massive graphs with billions of nodes and edges . These insights highlight the importance of considering the specific context and problem domain when determining the time complexity of adding an edge to a doubly connected edge list.

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Shaikh Arifuzzaman, Maleq Khan 
12 Apr 2015
14 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
31 Jan 2023
Not addressed in the paper.
The time complexity of adding an edge to a $P_4$-sparse graph is polynomial due to a small number of possible optimal solutions, enabling a polynomial-time algorithm.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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