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What is the vulnerability? 

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Vulnerability is a concept that is explored in multiple disciplines and contexts. It is an essential principle in European bioethics and is prioritized over other principles . Vulnerability is often used by state and non-governmental organizations to identify groups of people in need of protection or support . However, some researchers and theorists argue that the term is ill-defined and potentially stigmatizing . In the context of information systems, vulnerability refers to defects that can be exploited by malicious entities, leading to damage and security breaches . In the realm of care ethics, vulnerability is seen as a fundamental aspect of human existence and is emphasized in the rejection of universal and abstract morals . Overall, vulnerability is a complex concept that encompasses cultural, social, institutional, emotional, and professional dimensions .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
13 Jan 2022-Lumen Proceedings
Vulnerability is a concept that emphasizes the relational dimension and the inherent dependence of human beings.
Vulnerability is an essential principle in bioethics that precedes and has priority over other principles.
A vulnerability is a defect in the design, implementation, or deployment of information systems that can be exploited by malicious entities.
Vulnerability is an essential principle in European bioethics that precedes and has priority over other principles.
Vulnerability is a term used to identify groups of people in need of protection or support, but it is often ill-defined and stigmatizing.

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