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What kind of SDLC was used to develop the app gojek? 

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The app Gojek was developed using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Waterfall method .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Titania Pricillia, Zulfachmi 
06 Mar 2021
22 Citations
The provided paper does not mention the specific SDLC used to develop the app Gojek.
The provided paper does not mention the kind of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) used to develop the Gojek app.
The provided paper does not mention the specific kind of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) used to develop the Gojek app.
The provided paper does not mention the specific kind of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) used to develop the Gojek app.
The provided paper does not mention anything about the development of the app Gojek.

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How can i integrate blockchain with sdlc?5 answersTo integrate blockchain with the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), a decentralized Compliance Adherence and Governance (CAG) framework using blockchain technology can be proposed. This framework enables capturing compliance specifications, analyzing events for non-conformant behavior through smart contracts, providing real-time alerts, and maintaining an immutable audit trail of activities. Additionally, combining blockchain with Deep Learning algorithms can enhance operational transparency, traceability, security, and data provenance in SDLC processes. Furthermore, utilizing blockchain for digital forensics in cloud environments can enhance evidence gathering and maintenance by ensuring shared evidence among peers, utilizing Secure Hashing Algorithms, and employing Fuzzy-based Smart Contracts for data tracking. By leveraging these approaches, organizations can enhance the security, compliance, and transparency aspects of their SDLC processes through blockchain integration.
What is SDLC?4 answersSDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It is a process followed by software engineering teams to develop high-quality software according to client requirements. The goal of SDLC is to complete software projects on time and achieve the desired goals. SDLC models are used throughout the project to guide the development process. These models help in planning, organizing, and structuring the code, ensuring efficient and effective development. The use of SDLC is not limited to software development; it is also employed in other areas such as payroll systems. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology is used to plan, analyze, model, design, and implement systems like personal shopper applications. Overall, SDLC is a crucial framework for software development and other system development processes.
What is agile SDLC?3 answersAgile software development life cycle (SDLC) is a methodology that focuses on faster and smarter development by closely involving the software development team, customers, and team leaders. It aims to produce high-quality products that can quickly respond to changing requirements. Agile frameworks prioritize customer satisfaction and emphasize continuous development while controlling various aspects such as integration, scope, schedule, cost, quality, resources, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management. Traditional product development methods are not efficient in adapting to rapid changes and delivering quality products. Agile projects offer advantages such as faster and frequent delivery of development, but they also have disadvantages, such as the challenge of adding failed test cases or defects to the product backlog. The iterative model, a type of SDLC, is less accepted by programmers and not widely used in the industry, despite its strengths over other models.
What is development phase under sdlc?0 answersThe development phase under the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a crucial step in creating quality software. It involves the actual coding and implementation of the software based on the requirements and design specifications. During this phase, software engineers write the code, develop test plans, and conduct testing to ensure the functionality and performance of the software. The development phase follows the planning, analysis, and design phases of the SDLC. It is an iterative process that may involve multiple cycles of coding, testing, and debugging to refine and improve the software. The security aspect should also be considered at every stage of the development phase. Overall, the development phase is a critical stage in the SDLC where the software is built and prepared for deployment.
What is deployment phase in sdlc?1 answersThe deployment phase in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to the stage where the developed software is released and made available for use by the intended users. It is the final phase of the SDLC and involves activities such as installing the software on the target systems, configuring it to meet the specific requirements, and ensuring its proper functioning. The deployment phase also includes activities like user training, data migration, and transitioning from the development environment to the production environment. The goal of the deployment phase is to successfully deliver the software to the users and ensure its smooth operation in the production environment. It is important to integrate security measures throughout the deployment phase to protect the software from potential attacks and vulnerabilities.
What is requirements and analysis under the sdlc?5 answersRequirements analysis is a crucial step in the software development life cycle (SDLC) that involves understanding and documenting the needs and expectations of stakeholders for a system. It is the process of gathering, documenting, and analyzing requirements to ensure that the final product meets the desired objectives and functions effectively. The goal of requirements analysis is to provide the necessary information for designing and developing a system that meets the identified needs. This process involves capturing and formalizing textual customer requirements, analyzing requirements consistency, and generating test cases from formalized requirements. It also includes preserving traceability between requirements, test cases, and implementation models throughout the workflow.

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