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What makes a bank ‘systemically’ important? How should this status be reflected in bank capital and liquidity regulation? 

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A bank's systemic importance is not solely determined by its size but also by its interconnectedness with other institutions, as highlighted in . European banks, particularly, have shown strong ties to US banks, emphasizing the global nature of systemic risk. To reflect this, capital and liquidity regulations should consider not only the size of a bank but also its potential to trigger instability in the financial system. Frictions in adjusting capital ratios, especially for large and complex banks, impact their ability to meet regulatory requirements promptly . Implementing regulations that address these frictions and account for interconnectedness can enhance financial stability by mitigating the impact of systemic risks and aiding in the recovery of asset prices post-recessions .

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Systemic importance in banks is reflected in their capital structure adjustments. Frictions differ based on size, complexity, and systemic relevance, impacting regulatory capital ratios and adjustment channels.
Systemic importance in banks is determined by their size, risk exposure, and contribution to systemic risk. This status should be reflected in capital and liquidity regulations to enhance financial stability.
Systemic importance in banks is determined by size, risk exposure, and contribution to systemic risk. Regulatory capital and liquidity requirements should be tailored to mitigate systemic risks effectively.
Banks are deemed 'systemically' important based on their potential impact on the financial system. Capital and liquidity regulations help mitigate this risk by reducing leverage and aiding asset price recovery.

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