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What overall cultural issues must be considered in striving for excellence in project management? 

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In striving for excellence in project management, several cultural issues must be considered. Firstly, understanding cultural impacts is crucial for project managers, as cultural differences can act as barriers to organizational performance . Secondly, the transferability of Western project management knowledge to other countries with different cultural values is questionable, highlighting the importance of cultural awareness and adaptation . Additionally, the cross-cultural aspects of international projects significantly impact project performance, necessitating adjustments in project management methodologies to achieve better results . Moreover, intercultural factors can play a decisive role in the success or failure of Information Technology projects, emphasizing the significance of Human Resources Management, Stakeholder Management, and Communication Management in project success .

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Cross-cultural aspects play a crucial role in achieving project excellence, necessitating adjustments to standard methodologies for better results in international projects, as highlighted in the paper.
To excel in project management, consider adapting management ideologies to changing environments, leveraging people's value, and addressing challenges in corporate culture construction for effective project implementation.
Open accessPosted Content
01 Jan 2016
1 Citations
National, professional, organizational culture, and individual personality traits are crucial in project management excellence, impacting decision-making and project outcomes.
Cultural issues such as communication styles, hierarchy, family consciousness, and decision-making approaches must be considered for excellence in project management between the U.S. and China.

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