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What's the relation between ethical design and attention economy in social media ? 

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Ethical design in social media is crucial due to the addictive nature of platforms, leading to harmful effects on users . The attention economy model, treating human attention as a commodity, drives social media companies to design platforms that maximize user engagement, often at the expense of user well-being . This results in increased demand on user attention, leading to negative consequences like decreased task performance and increased anxiety . Ethical design frameworks should balance user engagement with minimizing attentional demands to mitigate these harmful effects . The ethical implications of addicting users to social media highlight the need for a shift towards more responsible and mindful design practices in the digital realm, considering the ethical dimensions of attention and user autonomy .

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The rise of social media, especially with the 'Kardashian effect', blurs ethical boundaries by promoting aesthetic procedures for attention, potentially contributing to societal beauty standards and body dysmorphia.
Ethical design in social media can counter attention economy's control by fostering attention as practice, aligning with Buddhist ethics to promote mindful attention and resist persuasive technologies.
Ethical design in social media can mitigate social media addiction issues stemming from the attention economy model, where businesses profit by capturing users' time and attention.
Ethical design in social media relates to the attention economy by highlighting how addictive features harm users, leading to moral concerns due to exploitation and harm caused by social media addiction.
Ethical design in social technology balances user engagement and attention demands, crucial in mitigating negative impacts like decreased performance and anxiety caused by the attention economy in social media.

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