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What's the Time Ms White? 

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A different way to teach reading a clockface involves more than 'telling time' . This approach incorporates the notion of 'time passing' alongside 'telling the time' and encourages conceptual understanding of the topic. It focuses on o'clock times and 'minutes past the hour' through integrated classroom activities and extends to address time in everyday settings. The approach emphasizes making sense of the clockface to learn to tell the time .

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The given information does not provide any information about "Time Ms White".
The information provided does not mention anything about the "Time Ms White."
The time of the White MS collection is estimated to be in the middle of the seventeenth century.
Open accessJournal Article
Sharne Aldridge, Abi White 
4 Citations
The paper discusses a different approach to teaching children how to read a clockface and understand the concept of time passing.

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