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What species of animals are used? 

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Various species of animals are utilized for different purposes across different cultures and research fields. In traditional medicine practices, animals like hyenas, porcupines, bushbucks, hares, aardvarks, zebras, and elephants are commonly used for medicinal purposes in different regions such as Ethiopia and Tanzania . In scientific research, rats and mice are the predominant laboratory animals due to their genetic patterns and breeding practices, with isogenic animals providing unique genetic and phenotypic characteristics for reproducibility of experiments . Additionally, in folk medicine in Brazil, species like pacas, tegus, and porcupines are used for therapeutic purposes, highlighting the importance of wildlife in traditional healing practices . These diverse examples showcase the significant role animals play in various cultural, medicinal, and scientific contexts.

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Mammals, birds, and reptiles like Cuniculus paca, Salvator merianae, and Sphiggurus insidiosus are used for traditional medicine by farmers in the Serra do Conduru State Park region, Bahia, Brazil.
Insects, nematodes, zebrafish, frogs, and mammals like mice, rats, dogs, cats, pigs, and monkeys are commonly used as experimental models in biology research.
The Iraqw people use 28 wild animal species, including hare, aardvark, zebra, ostrich, guinea fowl, bees, doves, baboon fat, elephant dung, and cobra for various purposes.
Rats and mice are the primary species used in laboratory research, with a focus on genetic control for reproducibility and experimental quality in breeding practices.
The study documented 20 medicinal animals used by Awi, Gamo, and Konta communities in Ethiopia, with mammals comprising 70% and birds 20% of the species.

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How does fauna helps human?2 answersFauna helps humans in various ways. Animals participating in educational and counseling sessions, such as Great Pyrenees, cats, goats, horses, and mules, help individuals develop trust, overcome shyness, and cope with illnesses, thereby enhancing their social skills and confidence. Including animals in disaster response plans and shelters can benefit the physical and mental health and well-being of humans affected by natural disasters. Entomological data from insect fauna can provide valuable information for crime scene investigations, particularly in estimating the post-mortem interval. Coastal fauna in tropical areas not only contribute to the economy but also provide livelihoods to coastal communities. However, human activities, such as pollution from industries, tourism, and urbanization, pose a severe threat to the survival and distribution of coastal faunal communities. The human parasite fauna consists of approximately 270 species, with some species being dependent on humans for survival, while others are incidental or rely on other mammals as their usual source of infection.
Why animals are being used by researchers?5 answersAnimals are being used by researchers for various reasons. One reason is to ensure the safety and feasibility of experiments before conducting them on humans. Animals have played a significant role in the development of vaccines, therapeutic treatments, and medical products. They are also used to advance fundamental research in the life sciences and to test the safety of potentially toxic substances. By using animals in biomedical research, scientists have been able to come up with effective treatments for deadly diseases and gain a better understanding of various illnesses. However, the use of animals in research is highly controversial and must be justified by demonstrating that the expected benefits outweigh the suffering imposed. It is important to note that while animals may suffer during research, the (painless) death of animals is often easier to justify.
Why do we use mice?4 answersMice are used in research because they provide valuable tools for biomedical investigation, allowing for reductionist experiments with increasing complexity and rigor. Despite the differences between mice and humans, mice are still useful for studying biological processes that have been conserved during evolution and for investigating developmental mechanisms. Additionally, mice can be used to identify neuronal circuit mechanisms underlying behaviors affected in psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, which can guide the development of new therapies. In the field of cardiovascular research, mice are used to dissect the complex genetic etiology of diseases like atherosclerosis, where experimental parameters can be controlled. Overall, mice are valuable model organisms for studying human biology, although caution must be taken when extrapolating results to human disease.

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