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What theories that can be applied for the accessibility of pwd in hotel industry? 

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In the hotel industry, various theories can be applied to enhance the accessibility for People with Disabilities (PwD). One such theory is the innovation diffusion theory, which emphasizes the importance of adopting innovative practices to improve services for individuals with disabilities . Additionally, the concept of universal design is crucial for establishing inclusive hotels that cater to the needs of PwD, encouraging accessible tourism and promoting social inclusion . Moreover, the study highlights the significance of accessibility and sustainability in the hospitality sector, emphasizing the need for further research to enhance accessibility measures for PwD in hotels . By integrating these theories and concepts, hotels can create environments that are more welcoming and accommodating for individuals with disabilities, ultimately promoting inclusivity and diversity in the tourism industry.

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Theoretical approaches like coupling theory and innovation diffusion theory can be applied to enhance accessibility for people with disabilities in the hotel industry.
Theories like social inclusion and economic integration are applicable for enhancing accessibility of People with Disabilities in the hotel industry, as discussed in the research.
Theories like Agenda-Setting, Institutional, Identity, Signaling, Social Construction, Stakeholder, and Resource-Based-View can be applied to enhance accessibility for PWD in the hotel industry.
Anthropometrics and universal design theories can be applied for the accessibility of People with Disabilities (PwD) in the hotel industry to promote inclusive and barrier-free tourism experiences.

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