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What turns people into criminals? 

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Various factors contribute to individuals becoming criminals. Institutional settings, like prisons, utilize paperwork to categorize individuals as irredeemable criminals, shaping their identities and behaviors accordingly . Additionally, economic downturns play a role, as individuals entering the job market during recessions often face poor job matches, leading to long-term detrimental effects on their wages and career progression, increasing the likelihood of engaging in criminal activities . Furthermore, environmental influences, such as home life, education, and training, can either foster responsible behavior or push individuals towards antisocial tendencies and criminal activities, especially during adolescence . Psychological factors, like conformity and the allure of power, can also sway ordinary individuals towards committing criminal acts under certain circumstances .

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Factors like home life, education, training, and environment influence young individuals to become considerate or anti-social, leading some to turn to crime, especially as habitual criminals from a young age.
Experiencing recessions during youth, especially when leaving school, increases the likelihood of individuals turning to a life of crime, as shown in the research.
People turn into criminals due to conformism and the allure of power and force, as shown in historical episodes and psychological experiments where ordinary individuals can easily commit cruel acts.
The bureaucratic process, through paperwork and documentation, transforms individuals into criminals by categorizing them within institutional settings, showcasing the power of sympathetic magic in criminalization.
Recessions, particularly during youth, can lead individuals to a life of crime due to poor job prospects and economic hardships, as shown in the research.

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