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What will happen to politics if there are lack of teachers in school? 

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If there is a lack of teachers in schools, it can have significant implications for politics. The shortage of qualified teachers, especially in critical subjects like math and science, may lead to various responses from school districts. One potential solution could be to increase teacher workloads, which might exacerbate the issue by potentially causing more teachers to leave their positions. Additionally, the political process involved in determining teacher salaries and the influence of teachers unions can further complicate the situation. Moreover, the relationship between politicians and public sector workers, such as teachers, can impact absenteeism rates, with absenteeism decreasing before elections and increasing after, highlighting the influence of political cycles on bureaucratic performance. Therefore, a lack of teachers in schools can not only affect educational outcomes but also have broader implications for political decision-making and governance.

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01 Jan 2021
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Lack of teachers due to absenteeism can impact politics as it reveals a link between electoral cycles and teacher presence, influencing bureaucratic performance and public service accountability in India.

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How does the lack of teachers affect student performance and overall education quality?4 answersThe lack of teachers has a negative impact on student performance and overall education quality. Teacher absenteeism leads to differential performance among students, with poor students underperforming due to lack of resources for extra lessons, while rich students have the opportunity to compensate for lost lessons. Additionally, the shortage of teachers hinders job performance, resulting in uncovered syllabus, high levels of stress among teachers, poor academic performance, and indiscipline among students. In under-performing schools, instructing teachers to follow specific practices and monitoring their activities can improve outcomes, but it mainly benefits children from higher income backgrounds rather than the most deprived. Teacher attrition also negatively affects school performance, leading to idle students, deterioration of results and education quality, increased burden on teachers and school management, and decreased staff cohesion. To address these issues, it is recommended to allocate sufficient funds for employing an adequate number of teachers, especially in subjects like science, and create an attractive working environment to motivate teachers, particularly in peripheral areas.
How do teacher shortages affect teacher quality?5 answersTeacher shortages have a negative impact on teacher quality. When there is a shortage of teachers, schools often have to hire alternatively qualified teachers or contract teachers with lower salaries and reduced professional training. These teachers may not have the same level of qualifications or experience as fully qualified teachers, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of education. Additionally, teacher shortages can result in high turnover rates, with teachers more likely to move from schools with a high share of disadvantaged students or in urban areas. This turnover can disrupt continuity in the classroom and negatively affect student outcomes. Overall, teacher shortages can have a detrimental effect on teacher quality and the quality of education provided to students.
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